
Cdbf board
Cdbf board

  • Scores and Rankings - (for Fiscal Year 2022 Allocations).
  • Scoring Criteria - (for Fiscal Year 2023 Evaluations).
  • These grant awards are included in the Annual Action Plan and submitted to H.U.D. The scores and rankings or RFPs are then presented to the City Council to be considered for grant awards.

    cdbf board

    In early March of each year, CPAB members submit their RFP scores to the City's Economic Development Department. documents including The Consolidated Plan, The Annual Action Plan, The Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report, Substantial Amendments, and the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice. Responsibilities for the CPAB include evaluating qualified responses to the City's Request for Proposals (RFP) received during the annual CDBG Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), reviewing and revising the Scoring Criteria when evaluating the RFPs, and rmaking recommendations to the City Council regarding various required H.U.D. Duties and ResponsibilitiesĪ primary duty of each CPAB member is to objectively evaluate the current needs in the City of San Diego, and if possible, their respective Council District. Meeting agendas, meeting notes, and other relevant documents pertaining to the Consolidated Plan Advisory Board may be accessed below. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to improve communities, expand housing and economic opportunities, and provide various services. The City annually receives grant funds for these programs from the U.S. Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program,.HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME),.

    cdbf board cdbf board

    Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program,.O-19963, and codified in Chapter 2, Article 6, Division 21 of the Municipal Code, to provide advice and recommendations on policy issues relating to the federal entitlement grant programs discussed in the City's Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan. The Consolidated Plan Advisory Board was established by the City Council via Ordinance No.

    Cdbf board