
Tera term xmodem
Tera term xmodem

  1. #Tera term xmodem serial#
  2. #Tera term xmodem code#

What it does do is force the device to run on the 16MHz internal oscillator regardless of the oscillator settings and runs at 9600 baud. So it won't change the configuration bits.

#Tera term xmodem code#

At the moment it only loads code into addresses less than the bootloader (so less than word 0x1E00). and ignores the bits that would overwrite itself.". If you read the fine print in my first post ". It doesn't change the configuration bits, but maybe it should. So a lot of the comments are a frankenmash of the original and the standalone. The test was if it could reload the original program and it does.

tera term xmodem

I cut it out of the original program and compiled it as a standalone one shot bootloader. I am posting this because I might shelve the idea, but maybe someone would like the code. Or maybe not bother to add the facility at all. At least then a borked load could be restarted. Maybe the bootloader should change the start vector to point to the bootloader while it is running. If the transfer is interrupted then the system is effectively bricked, has to be reprogrammed with a proper programmer. So now I'm wondering if this is a good idea. It terminates by rebooting, which hopefully starts the newly updated program. hex and ignores the bits that would overwrite itself. The user then has a minute to set Tera Term to transmit the new. It sits at program location 0x1E00 to about 0x1F80 and is initiated by a user request. I have written a bootloader specifically for the program I am writing, so it is a part of the program. Some searching found that several companies updated their devices using the Xmodem protocol to send the update.

#Tera term xmodem serial#

The program uses serial input/output to a terminal emulator like PuTTy or Tera Term. Not everybody has a PICkit or other suitable programmer. I thought of giving programmed chips to other people then wondered how they could be updated. I am writing an assembler program for the PIC16F1455.

tera term xmodem

# UPDATED # - source code documented properly, program modified to do two passes.

Tera term xmodem